Deep connections are facilitated by deep thoughts, intentional conversations and a willingness and openness to connect and in this digital landscape we all tend to live on our phones with definitely is known to distract us from the people right in front of us. We are focused on creating a culture of connection and it begins with conversation. In our opinion, it's even better over coffee. Whether you grab a latte and chat in a coffee shop or brew up some of your favorite fresh roasted coffee at home, a true new found bond is waiting to form.
Surface level talk gets you through a minute, diving deep will get you through a lifetime. When was the last time you asked them something that forced someone to really think or articulate their feelings? When was the last time you encouraged someone to talk about their wildest dreams or desires? Sometimes, these questions can be hard to think of on the spot, so we went ahead and put some together that are sure to get the coffee conversation flowing deeper than ever:
Deep Questions to Ask your Best Friend over Coffee:
- What do you value most in our friendship?
- Can you recall a specific moment when our friendship was especially meaningful to you?
- Is there a particular challenge or difficult time in your life that I can help you with?
- What are some things you haven't done yet that you'd like to experience?
- How does your dream life look a year from now?
- Are there any new activities or hobbies you'd like to try that we can do together?
- How can I better show up for you?
- What makes you feel deeply appreciated and valued as a person and a friend?
- How do you think we can continue to support and uplift each other in the future?
Meaningful conversations add immense value to our lives and to our relationships so enjoy these chances to create a safer space where sharing is normal. Express, sip on espresso and just be in the moment.